Threading the Machine

To unthread one of the needles, pull to spindle and thread until it is out of the machine

Place your spool on the correct spindle

Feed  thread through the guide hole in the metal bar above the spindle

Then feed thread forward through plastic tube guide in metal bar, in line with the other threads.

Then through the plastic tube guide on top of the machine and beneath the spring catch which is under the right of the black knob in front of it

Follow threading instructions on plastic panel, making sure you follow the number of the spindle you are loading.

Feed to the right hand side of the black knob and hook under the spring catch beneath it.

Feed thread down plastic channel. At the bottom, as indicated by the arrow, loop around the plastic and back up through the channel on the other side

From the right hand side feed thread through metal lever

Pull the thread down to feed it through the metal plate matching the spindle number. Make sure that your thread stays in the correct plastic channel, until it is properly threaded and the thread is taught, it is easy for the lose thread to slip into the wrong channel.

Use the threading tool to hook your thread behind the metal hook at the top of the needle.

On the machine press the button for the spool you are threading to move the auto threader into the correct position.

Press the needle button on the machine and the threading arms will pop out.

Loop the the thread around and under the right hand prong and beneath the left hand, before pulling up between the spring catch and the foot.

Take the thread up and over the thread cutter, as indicated by the arrow, and pull to cut.

Press the needle button once more and the  threader will thread the needle and tuck the tail of the thread back out the way.

By Becky

I'm Becky. I love dragons. I make all sorts of random wonderful things