Fill in the blank

Fill in the Blank 

Fill in the Blank questions allow you to insert a blank line(s) in the middle of a sentence or paragraph. Users then type the correct answer into this empty field. 

  • If more than one blank exists, all blanks must be answered correctly for the entire question to be marked correct. 
  • Capitalization does not matter. PLAY, Play and play are all scored the same. 
  • Blank spaces are created by providing the correct answer inside of curly braces { and }

Example Format 

  • Admin Setup: I {play} soccer. 
  • User Sees: I ____ soccer. 

The correct answer is “play”. 

Multiple Possible Answers 

To allow for multiple possible answers, enclose each possible answer with square brackets [ and ]. You still use { and } to create the blank space. 

I {[play][love][hate]} soccer. 

In this example, the user can enter “play,” “love” or “hate,” and they would all be accepted as correct. 

Different Points Per Answer 

Different points for each answer

If the “Different points for each answer” option is selected, you can assign points to each possible answer. Otherwise, 1 point will be awarded for each correct answer. To assign points to an answer, enter the pipe character | immediately following the answer, and then enter the number of points. 

I {play} soccer, with a {ball|3}. 

In this example, the answer “play” is awarded 1 point, and “ball” is awarded 3 points. 

Setting up a fill in the blank question in the admin area looks like this: 

LearnDash fill in the blank question, admin setup

Here’s an example of a fill in the blank question used for math equations, where there is only one possible correct answer for each blank. 

LearnDash fill in the blank question, frontend example