
When the machine is done it will display the message Finished Embroidering. Press OK to confirm

Remove your hoop from the embroidery machine

If you are embroidering the same design on multiple pieces of fabric you can now load in your next piece of material. Press lock followed by start to re-embroider the same design.

Remove the hoop from your finished embroidery

Remove the stabilizer from the fabric by pulling it gently. If there is enough stabilizer around your design to be reused please save it for another member to use.

Return the embroidery hoop to the hooks on the wall behind the machine

On the machine press the Home button

The machine will ask you to confirm cancelling the pattern, if you are done you can now press OK

Turn the machine off using the button at the back by the power cable

Remove your USB and leave everything neat and tidy for the next user.

Report any issues to a technician

By Becky

I'm Becky. I love dragons. I make all sorts of random wonderful things