Put the top switch to the right (for cutting) and the bottom switch to the right (showing fixed cutting)
Place the material on the machine surface near the heating wire
Ensure you have the correct PPE on for using the machine
Press down on the foot pedal to heat the cutting wire for use – keeping your foot down to prevent any material sticking to the hot wire
The extraction system and wearing a suitable filtered mask will prevent dangerous fume inhalation
For longer cuts, it can be useful to break down the cut into sections as this can prevent the wire getting stuck
The angle of the hot wire can be changed by removing the bottom locking screw – found on the righthand side of the machine – and moving it to one of 4 pre-set positions
<Pic of angles annotated>
Remember to put the locking screw back in to secure it in place for cutting
{pic – angles in relation to holes}